Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year? New Morality!

Fully recovered? We're getting back up to full speed here in Hilversum. That's why we thought we'd cheer you all up with a program that takes a look at some of Europe's more recent moral pitfalls.

Segment 1 - De Einder: Support for Suicide
De Einder is a Dutch foundation that provides moral support for people contemplating suicide. Sarah Johnson went to investigate, starting at a symposium to celebrate the organization’s 10 year anniversary.
Interested in learning more or acutally speaking to someone there? You can go to their web page. It's all in Dutch so I've linked to the contact information page.
Taking a critical distance from the activities of de Einder, here is discussion of the topic from the point of view of several philosophers in an article from the New York Times's New York Review of Books.

Segment 2 - The dark side of Turkish reality TV
Reality shows are a phenomenon. But when the Turkish reality TV star, Ata Turk, was found dead in a hotel room of a suspected drug overdose, it raised serious questions about whether such programs really are just harmless entertainment. Dorian Jones reports from Istanbul.

Segment 3 - How real is reality TV?
It seems TV producers will go to any lengths to draw viewers here in Holland. Take a new program called 'Spuiten en Slikken' or 'Spurting and Swallowing.' But how far should these reality programs be able to go? To answer that question we spoke to Jan Teurings, a lecturer in media studies at the University of Amsterdam.

Interested in learning more about "Spuiten en Slikken"? Here's the link. Again, it's all in Dutch. That's why I'm also providing the link to Endemol. Endemol is the Dutch production company responsible for the entire worldwide reality TV craze by giving the world the gift that keeps on giving: Big Brother. Would you rather have knitting needles pushed through you eyes than watch a reality TV program? Click here...

Segment 4 - Taking the bull by the horns in Spain
To many Spaniards, bullfighting is not barbaric. It’s simply a contest between man and nature: an expression of tradition and culture. Did you know there’s even a bullfighting school down in Madrid? Neither did we, until Danny Wood told us about it.

Please click here to download the full program in high quality mp3 format

As always, you can leave comments below. Hope to hear from you. I suspect we'll hear from the antibullfighting crowd.


At 1:29 AM, Blogger ADM said...

Will listen to his show, brother, and comment as soon as I do. It might take a few days -- but count on this pilgrim to keep his word.

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Jonathan Groubert said...

Thanks Pilgrim!

At 1:03 AM, Blogger sukie310 said...

5 years ago I went on vacation to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. While there we realized that there was a bull fighting arena in the town and Linda, who had been to one in Spain, wanted to see on again. She loved it. Found it exciting, exhilarating So while I am an animal lover I decided to go because perhaps it is a beautiful sport and perhaps there is respect between the matador and bull etc. NOT. At least not at this venue. I think it is a starting arena where novices get their training and old bulls go to die. There was no grace, no beauty, no respect. Just a poor old bull stabbed over and over because the matador in training couldn't find the right spot. Weak cries of Ole could be heard from the stands here and there, but finally, I got up and waited outside until it was over. So while a fully trained matador fighting a well taken care of bull may be a sight to see, the prequel to that is horrific.


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