Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What a Waste!!!!!

These gentlemen planted their recyclable mobile phone and grew a sunflower. If they can do it, so can we!

A program filled with some original ideas about how to limit waste. Plus a few warnings. Plus something about sausages.

Segment 1 - Eco Clothing
It seems the latest fashion trend is "Green" clothing. Naomi Fowler reports from London’s first comprehensive ethical fashion exhibition that’s trying to persuade designers and consumers to care about what you wear.
Click here for more on Eco Clothing info for the UK

Segment 2 - France to Bury Nuclear Waste
This is what the French are debating solutions to disposing their waste. But as Nick Champeaux reports, the option will not be burying it if the people of Bure, the proposed site, have something to say about it.

Segment 3 - Green Mobile Phones
It seems most of us put mobile phones in the bottom drawer for good after an average of only 18 months. But the thing is, they’re filled with plastic and heavy metals and, as Marnie Chesterton discovered, that’s becoming a serious problem.
Link to the Dead Ringers Exhibiton at the London Science Museum

Segment 4 - Cities and Water Use
If we’re to believe scientists, the melting icecaps will mean there’ll be too much water around. The problem is too little of it will be potable. Professor Huub Gijzen says it’s time for change in the way we use water.
For more info on the Switch project click here.

Bretzel Anyone?
Segment 5 - Kyle James on German Food
Kyle James opines about the options available to the millions of soccer fans from around the globe, currently searching for something to nosh on in Germany.

Download this week's program as a high quality mp3


At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Groubert.
Several weeks ago (your May 30 post) I asked you a civil question:


"Why are you featuring something insulting to Catholics? They will be upset. They may even write you nasty letters.

"Ah! But they won't make credible threats to kill you. So it is ok to make fun.

"Your principled concern for Islam rings hollow. You are just (not irrationally) concerned for your neck. Nothing wrong with that. But it is just so hypocritical to couch being anti-cartoon as a sign of respect. It's fear and we should admit it and figure out what to do."


But you decline to answer. Why? I asked a legitimate question and I believe I have asked it politely.

I believe that you have an obligation to respond.

At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous. I find you a little scary. Perhaps Mr. Groubert does as well.

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Jonathan Groubert said...

I'm afraid debate with you became unproductive, antagonistic and on the edge of abusive. This is not the idea of this blog. Everyone is free to post what they like, but I'm not going to engage in this kind of discussion that, frankly, isn't a discussion at all.

At 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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