Or should it be called "Animals Gone Wild".Delicious intruder: the Red King Crab
Guest host Daniel Frankl and producer Sarah Johnson provide you with a selection of stories about our spiny, furry, shelled friends. Enjoy.
Segment 1 - Underwater Advance of the Red King Crab
Armies of Red King Crabs are marching westwards along Norway’s coast, devouring everything, upsetting fishermen & environmentalists. But, as Lars Bevanger reports, they are as mouth-watering as they are controversial.
Concern from the Norwegian Foreign Ministry.
Segment 2 - Festival of the Snail
Every summer, the people of Casumaro hold a huge snail festival – the sagra della lumaca – attracting visitors from all over Italy and beyond. Dany Mitzman was there.
Segment 3 - Pig Heaven
Dafne Westerhof runs the so-called "Promised Land for Pigs" in Amsterdam. She believes that its possible to communicate with pigs, and that they are good for our stress levels. Anne Blair Gould set off to pig heaven.
Segment 4 - Cow Cuddling
A farming family in the Dutch countryside is offering their cows up for a cuddle. Queenie Scholtes went down to join in on one of their group cuddling sessions.
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